Sunday 2 September 2012

Lovely outings

I've had some lovely outings over the past week. Ian brought me a Reading festival day ticket because he's amazing! So Sunday the 26th we got up nice and early and made our way to Reading. We got there mega early so we missed all of the ques and just walked straight in. The bands we saw: Pulled Apart by Horses, Band of Skulls, Mongol Horde, This is Hell, Polar Bear Club, All Time Low, Kaiser Chiefs, The Black Keys and FOO FIGHTERS!! Which were incredible! Seriously amazing.
We dashed of pretty quickly at the end as I hadn't peed all day and felt like I was going to burst and wanted to go in the station toilets but we saw everything we wanted to and had such an amazing day :)

 We recovered most of Monday as we were shattered. Wednesday we went to the cinema to see Brave. The cinema was packed with little kids which was rather annoying and the girl behind us gave a running commentary of what was happening. Nevertheless it was a good film, not as good as other Pixar films but still not bad. In the evening Ian made me brenner :)
Thursday we went up to London hoping to go to the Natural History Museum and Science Museum but due to it being the last week of the summer holidays it was packed! There was a HUGE queue to get in and they were only letting people in when people came out so we decided we would go another time. We got a Subway and headed home. Last Thursday I went out for a bike ride on my own and had such a nice time that I asked Keri if she wanted to join me for one in the evening so we had a nice cycle along the canal.

Friday I looked after baby Becky for a bit where she cried the majority of it.

In the evening I met up with Keri and we went to watch the guys of Brannigan's Law practice which was pretty fun. A few of us then had a drink at the pub before heading home.

Yesterday Ian was holding his birthday celebrations so I headed over to his for a BBQ where everyone else joined too and we played the new Olympics game. After stuffing ourselves with burgers and sausages and ribs and steak we went to the Met and then onto the Treaty. Way too much alcohol was drank and some silly things said but it all turned out ok in the end.
We were meant to be going to the cinema today to see Galaxy Quest but everyone was way too hungover to go so just going to recover for the rest of the day :)